Wednesday 13 March 2013

The Zest Bootcamp Diet - a party-dress plan without running!

Going back to being a 'non-runner', or rather, a runner who doesn't actually do any running (despite having not run for over 5 weeks now, I still think of myself as a 'runner' - but then, I also still think I can play the violin and I haven't picked up one of those for at least 10 years....!) has caused me a LOT of problems. Which is surprising, to some extent, given that when I was in training, I thought running had caused problems too (the main one being breaking me - or at least, a small part of me!). Whilst I had  - and still do - absolutely love running, I found myself having to overcome things like my hopeless time management/ organisation skills (once running hit the half hour mark and beyond, both the running part and the before, after and, on the longest runs, during eating needed organising in advance!). Social events, and even basic 'friendship commitments' were a struggle as the miles clocked up, to the point that one of my best friends resorted to writing me an actual letter, photo attached, to remind me that she, and life outside of running, still existed! And then there was the problem of correct nutrition (quick takeaways when I was feeling lazy were no longer an option if I wanted to perform my best the next day) - and extra cooking meant extra washing up (or rather, extra piles of dishes waiting to be washed up, since house work is not my strongest point..!).

These running-related problems however were all easily overcome, simply because it was something I wanted to be doing - and besides, there were many more advantages than perceived issues - not least the ability to eat more than I have ever eaten in my life, call it carb-loading and then still slip into dresses that are 2 sizes smaller than when training started. Bliss :-)

However, spending the last few months scoffing as much pasta as I can possibly can, followed by constant pre-and post-run snacks, is a habit hard to give up. In fact, it was something I hadn't even considered giving up until 2 weeks ago when, whilst happily chowing down on a big bowl of spaghetti, my friend (looking slightly amazed, or possibly a little appalled?! - at the amount I was eating) asked, bluntly, 'how on earth do you manage to eat all that!'. Quickly followed, after my automatic reply of 'carb-loading...' by an even more blunt 'For what?? You're not doing any exercise!'.

Cue me putting down my fork and checking my waistline as that fact sinks in. Followed by a sneaky weigh-in the next morning. Yep, 3 weeks of zero cardio work plus carb (over) loading does not make me a size 8! It also, more distressingly, does not make me fit into the size 8 dress which I had brought ready for my birthday celebrations next month.. drastic action was needed!

Remembering my success with the Zest Super Cleanse, I decided to opt for another Zest diet - this time, the Boot Camp diet - something I hadn't attempted whilst running because I a) didn't need to lose weight as I was burning it all off on the trails, and b) I was running - and needed to eat lots! which this diet definitely doesn't allow! The diet basically consists of 3 meals a day, with very low carbs (forget pasta, bread, rice, potatoes..), protein at every meal and more vegetables than on a 2 acre allotment! The first week, I found this TOUGH! Used to eating a lot, and regularly, I was starving for the first 3 days. By the end of the first week, I had adjusted slightly however, and cravings for chocolate and pasta had started to subside. I had also lost 3.6llbs - which was massive motivation to stick to it for the second week! When I say stick to it.. I have to admit I found myself cheating here! The diet involves 2 'fast' days, which I just couldn't do! So, small meals substituted the zero dinner and a low fat yogurt substituted breakfast. Given that I wasn't 100% true to the plan (hats off to anyone who is, I just didn't have will power...!) and that I couldn't follow the exercise plan which works alongside the diet due to my knee, the fact that I lost the weight was, in my opinion, pretty impressive!

The second week (minus a 'day off' at the weekend, when I annoyingly put a pound back on by scoffing cream teas...!) was much, much easier. My tastebuds had adjusted to the meals, which were a little more plain than I was used to - and the attempt at cooking the grainless pizza was much more successful (I found cooking for an extra 10 mins made the base much less soggy and it held together this time - also used a smaller aubergine, which could have helped..). This week I only lost 1.2llbs - but again, I didn't do the fasting or the exercise... and, for motivation, I could get into the dress and I still have 3 weeks before the party to actually make it look good (yes I got into it.. but breathing was not an option..!). And so, at the start of my 3rd week of Boot Camp, I am feeling optimistic :-)

So, my summary of the diet:

1. It's Tough! Well, come on... it IS called a Boot Camp after all, so it was hardly going to be a walk in the park! Expect (unless you are superhuman, unlike me!) to feel hungry, and to have some difficult sugar cravings during the first week. Stick with it though as once this passes, it will feel like a breeze!

2. It WORKS! As evidenced by my losing much more than expected. Well worth the effort in will power - and, because all of the meals include good quality nutrition, you know you are doing your body good, unlike other 'crash diets' which can have the same weight loss but not the same benefits!

3. It's affordable.. I don't know about you, but I usually find diets hideously expensive! Mainly because of the weird and wonderful, super-food type ingredients. Not so with the Zest Bootcamp - just normal salad, veg and lean meat and fish. The only slightly expensive meal is the pizza, which needs almond flour (harder to get hold of... and - sneaky truth - I used plain flour the first week as couldn't find it!).

4. The meals are OK... Actually I am probably being harsh here - most dishes taste nice. I didn't, however, find any tasted 'wow' - and as a food-lover, I missed this! But for 4 weeks, which is how long I am doing this for, the food is fine - and there was nothing I found I didn't want to eat, which again has happened on some other attempts at diets!

Anyway, I am off to happily tuck into my apple of the day...bring on the return of running so I can get back to carb-loading with a passion... ;-)

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